6.11.2012 | 22:00
Helgi, you don't know what a Republican is. However your party is nearly a replica of the Democratic party. I am so tired of all of you with your expert analysis of our supposed flaws and inequities as Americans. Coming from a country with 1/1000 of our population, how can you possibly render such criticism? Our ambassador said tonight it was exciting that Icelanders are so interested in our political system. I think you have such a lofty view of your role in world affairs it extends beyond interest to judgement and after 15 years of listening to know it all Icelanders I am sick of it.
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4.11.2012 | 03:34
New York Marathon
I think Mayor Bloomberg demonstrated poor judgement and lack of foresight by not cancelling the marathon when it was apparent of devastation and loss of life. He is preoccupied with fawning over Obama and restricting soda size, not capable of determining priorities. He had generators and other critical resources set aside for the marathon rather than using them for the crippled infrastucture.
I am sure it was very deflating for the runners, however when put in perspective, you missed a race. Thousands have missed all that is dear, basic sustinence and others have lost lives. There was some mention of the marathon taking place years ago despite 9/11. That was an intentional show of resiliency and defiance to the terrorism. There is no equating what is taking place now in the burroughs of New York after Sandy. People are in dire need of help. Instead of lamenting not being able to run a marathon, why not run through the debris and lend a hand to the people who are struggling to survive? I used to run marathons and from my view that would be more meaningful than any race.
The US has always responded with international aid during natural disasters. What countries have stepped up to offer us help ? How about 40 Icelanders ?
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